Keep your home in tip-top shape this summer

Summer is here and the thermostat here in South Florida has been dialed up!  Now that summer’s in full effect, you’ll want to keep your home and yard maintained for the onslaught of summer heat. From air-conditioner upkeep to watering the lawn, these simple chores will help keep your home happy.

Inspect air-conditioners. 

If you haven’t already, prep air conditioners and fans for their busiest season:

  • Keep your Filters Clean and replace every 30days or as needed
  • Keep vegetation away from the equipment outside
  • Make usre your coils are clean and the system is charged.

Clean the Fans

Clean all ceiling fans and other fans with a damp rag. If you have high ceilings, a ceiling-fan duster can help you de-grime hard-to-reach blades.

Clean your outdoor cooker. 

Give your grill a deep cleaning with these simple steps:

  • For gas grills, turn the heat up to high and let the grill cook with the lid closed for about half an hour. Allow the grill to cool and then brush it off with a grill brush. Wipe down the exterior with a damp sponge and a gentle cleanser. Clean the grill’s drip pans.
  • For charcoal grills, completely empty the grill and wipe out any ashy residue. Then clean it inside and out with hot water, a scrubby sponge and some liquid dish washing soap. Let the grill dry completely before using it again.
  • If there is excessive rust or damage to the grill grates or internal parts consider an upgrade or part replacements.  After all, we’re cooking with gas here safety first!

Polish up your porch. 

Thoroughly sweep painted porch floors; then mop them with an all-purpose cleaner. If there’s a lot of built-up dirt on the floorboards, you may need to scrub them with a brush or stiff broom.

Review the decks. 

Look over your deck for signs of rotting or splintering. Then, determine if your deck needs sealing. Sprinkle water on the deck’s boards. If the water beads up, you’re in good shape; but if it soaks right in, it’s time to reseal.

Power wash Hardscapes

Clean the driveways, walks and patios of dirt and stains.  Check your roof tiles to see if they need a blast.  Consider hiring a professional for the tough areas….it’s a lot safer and faster since they have the right equipment.

Wash your windows. 

If you didn’t tackle exterior window washing in the spring, now’s the time to get your glass clean.

Mulch your beds 

Add a layer of mulch to keep weeds down and help the ground retain its moisture in the heat. It’ll give your plants a chance to grow.

Check for leaks. 

Check your hoses and exterior faucets for leaks — even a tiny drip can add up to a big waste of water. If you have a pool, keep a close eye on water levels.  some drop is normal this time of year due to evaporation but significant changes should be tracked.

Plan your watering schedule. 

Train your garden to endure dry days by watering deeply a couple times a week, instead of watering lightly daily. This style of watering will promote the growth of deep, strong roots.  water in the evening when less evaporation will occur.

Stop dirt at the door. 

Keep summer’s mud and muck outside with not one, but two doormats at your main entry door. Place a coarse mat at the exterior and a softer, cloth one on the interior to catch the most dirt.  If you live near a beach, a tub of water for sandy feet placed by the door works wonders for keeping sand outside where it belongs.

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